Research progress led by CORENET young researchers during the conference Molecular Origins of Life 2024
The young researcher from Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM) presented the CORENET project progress during the Molecular Origins of Life in Munich, through the the following posters:
David González Martínez – NADH-mediated primordial synthesis of amino acids
Alonso Puente Arribas – Tuning the catalytic function of lipopeptide assemblies using nucleobases
Marcos Sanz Sánchez – Collective adaptability in replication network of minimal nucleobase sequences
The conference offered a scientifically rich programme around various topics and adressed one of the most fundamental questions of science: How could life originate? With 24 talks by renowned scientists accompanied by panel discussions and poster sessions, this international conference brings together scientists from a wide range of disciplines, namely: astronomy, bio-/chemistry, bio-/physics, geosciences and theoretical chemistry and physics.